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English 若手研究者育成プロジェクトワーキングペーパー ホーム > 若手研究者育成プロジェクトワーキングペーパー > No.33 教師の深い省察を促す授業研究方法の提案 ―授業分析をエビデンスとした教師と研究者の協同省察― No.33 教師の深い省察を促す授業研究方法の提案 ―授業分析をエビデンスとした教師と研究者の協同省察― 2020.05.28 Download PDF   木塚 誉貴 ・星 瑞希・有井 優太・松村 一太朗 A Suggestive Research of Lesson Study Methodology for Teacher’s Deeper Reflection by Using Lesson Analysis as Evidence: Cooperative Process between Researchers and Practitioners Yasutaka Kizuka,Mizuki Hoshi,Yuta Arii and Ichitaro Matsumura April, 2020 Abstract This research aims to investigate how educational researchers can support the reflective practices of the teachers. The authors conducted research on two teachers of civics of two different junior high schools. The process of the research was as follows: (i) pre-interview: asking the teachers their learning experiences in initial teacher education and current practical issues, (ii)analysis: unit-long lesson observations and their analysis being based on the student learning in the context of social studies in order to publish alternative idea of the units themselves and their goals, (iii) post-interview: cooperative interviews between the practitioners and the authors by using the analysis as the evidence, and finally (iv) reflection analysis: focusing on how the teachers changed their values and beliefs. According to the pre-interview, both of the teachers faced two difficulties; unit-long lesson design and the eyes to understand their students. After our cooperative reflections, both of the teachers started to reconsider not only the observed lessons and units but also their daily practices by focusing on constructions and the design of their units. They also started to realize the importance of paying attention to their students’ voices in the lesson context. The authors conclude that these two changes are considered to be made by (A) analyzing their practical and somewhat tacit actions in academic ways with their backgrounds in mind and (B) analyzing their practices and students’ learning in the context of social studies. « No.32 教育における「言葉を使って考えること」に関する説明一覧No.34 道徳教育における評価の問題と他者の位置付けを考える -ジュディス・バトラーの「説明」概念に着目して- » Home センター概要 イベント 研究活動 若手研究者育成プロジェクト 附属学校データベースプロジェクト センター関連プロジェクト ESDプロジェクト 知識基盤社会を支える人材育成に向けた大学院教育に関する国際比較研究 その他プロジェクト スタッフ 出版物 センターニュースレター 研究紀要 ワーキングペーパー 報告書 学内専用 リンク集 Center for Advanced School Education and Evidence-based Research, U Tokyo Copyright(c) 2010-2024 Center for Advanced School Education and Evidence-based Research (CASEER), The University of Tokyo

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